Health & Safety

We as responsible Developers take health and safety seriously on all our projects and developments and as such provide a Health and Safety Policy and Procedures Manual for all staff, contractors and visitors to the site.

You can download our Health & Safety manual and associated documents below:
Policy Procedures Manual Final 2018
A. Incident/Accident and Injury Reporting Procedure
B. Incident/Accident and Injury Reporting Form
C. Incident/Accident and Injury Investigation Form
D. Hazard Management Procedure
E. Hazard Identification Form
F. Evacuation Procedure
G. Evacuation Report
H. Acting Wardens Duties for Evacuation
I. First Aid Report
J. Fire Safety Checklist
K. Quarterly Site Inspection Checklist – Office Sites


Any suggestions on how this manual can be improved are very welcome and should be forwarded to: 

P.O. Box 345